Reducing creative friction: starting a new project

I’ve written about creative friction before. But I just realized a new source: how much effort it takes to start a new project.

A few seemingly small things can inhibit the process way more than I realize. Here’s some I realized recently, and the changes I’ve made.

friction reduction
Having a bunch of code editors open Just opening up one editor at the root of all of my git repositories (~/repos/). Surprisingly, VS Code can handle it. Unexpected benefit: now way easier to cross reference code and docs from other projects.
Starting new code repo locally + on GitHub Downloaded GitHub command line tool and auth token, learned incantation: gh repo create mbforbes/[name] -y -d "[desc]" --public/--private
Starting new python project locally ,pynew
Installing a new python package ,pyinstall
Starting a new three.js project Made repo with build script and template. Next: writing script so it’s one line.
Starting a new p5.js project Made repo with build script and template. Next: writing script so it’s one line.

These are specific to programming projects. Here’s an example for drawing: how likely are you to start a new drawing if:

  1. your drawing equipment is all away in a closet?
  2. your drawing equipment is near you but you have to get out paper and pick a tool?
  3. you are currently drawing and just finished a sketch?