Jan 3, 2022

Building an ECS in TypeScript


Disclaimer: I’m not sure whether “Aspects” are really a standard thing for ECS. (Or, if they are, whether my usage is the standard one.) When I was learning about ECS, my friend Alex told me about this idea of Aspects, so I implemented them as he described. They proved useful, so I’m including them here.

What is an Aspect?

An Aspect stores transient state about an Entity for a System.

For example, if you have a Renderer System, then it might have an Aspect (e.g., the RendererAspect) that stores information about the underlying graphics objects it is using to render an Entity. Whereas an Entity’s Component (e.g., a Sprite component) might contain the high level information needed to draw it (e.g., the image paths for different animations), the RendererAspect could contain the raw texture data used by the underlying graphics library.

Here are some properties of Aspects:

You can think of Aspects like per-Entity caches that Systems use to store internal state. It’s simply a standard place for a System to store data that is (a) specific to an Entity, and (b) not a good fit for storing in Components.

Planning Our Implementation

I implemented Aspects by having them become the default way Systems access Entities and their Components. Every time a System starts tracking an Entity, it creates an Aspect for it.

This way, Systems can easily upgrade their Aspect usage to include storing additional information. By default, a System gets the standard Aspect, which just has references to the Entity and Components. But if a System decides to make a custom Aspect, then it will receive them instead.

Let’s dive in.

The Aspect

First, we have the Aspect itself. There’s a bit of awkwardness around initialization, especially storing the Components, which you can see in the setCC() method. I’ll discuss it more below.

* An Aspect is a System's view of an Entity. In other words, it
* allows a System to store its own (transient!) state for each
* Entity.

class Aspect {

public entity: Entity
private components: ComponentContainer

* Called by ECS at setup to pass in the Entity's Component
* Container reference. Simply done this way so Systems and
* Aspect subclasses don't have to pass these around during
* construction. Any initialization will likely be done in the
* System's `onAdd()` function, which is given the new Aspect.

public setCC(cc: ComponentContainer) {
this.components = cc;

* Directly gets a Component. Example: `aspect.get(Position)`.
* @param c The Component class (e.g., Position).

public get<T extends Component>(c: ComponentClass<T>): T {
return this.components.get(c);

* Check whether 1 or more components exist. Returns true only if
* *all* components exist. Example: `aspect.has(Position)`.
* @param cs One or more Component classes (e.g., Position).

public has(...cs: Function[]): boolean {
for (let c of cs) {
if (!this.components.has(c)) {
return false;
return true;

I chose to have the setCC() method in the Aspect base class, and to use it in the ECS engine. This is a bit ugly, but it means that custom Aspect subclasses, and Systems that create them, don’t have to worry about passing the Components to the Aspect; it all happens in the ECS.

Speaking of which, let’s check out our modifications to System.

Making the System use Aspects

We’ll make four modifications to the System to handle Aspects:

  1. A new makeAspect() method, which can be overridden to make a custom Aspect

  2. A new onAdd() method, called when a new Entity is tracked

  3. A new onRemove() method, called when an Entity is no longer tracked

  4. The update() method will now provide the System its Aspects

Here’s how these look in our System class:

abstract class System {

/** ... omitting what we 've seen before ...*/

* `makeAspect()` is called to make a new Aspect for this System,
* which happens whenever an Entity is added. By default, Systems
* get a standard Aspect. If they override this, they can return
* a subclass of Aspect instead, which they can use to store
* stuff in. Whatever they return here will be the Aspect they
* get in `update()`, `onAdd()`, and `onRemove()`.

public makeAspect(): Aspect {
return new Aspect();

* `onAdd()` is called just AFTER an entity is added to a system.
* (It *will* be in the system's set of entities.)

public onAdd(aspect: Aspect): void { }

* `onRemove()` is called just AFTER an entity is removed from a
* system. (It will *not* be in the system's set of entities.)

public onRemove(aspect: Aspect): void { }

* `update()` is called on the System every frame.

public abstract update(
entities: Map<Entity, Aspect>, dirty: Set<Entity>
): void

Making the ECS use Aspects

There are three changes to the ECS to support Aspects: (1) tracking Aspects, (2) adding Entitys, (3) removing Entitys.01

1. Tracking Aspects

For each System, we now track a mapping from Entity to Aspect:

// Before:
private systems = new Map<System, Set<Entity>>()
// After:
private systems = new Map<System, Map<Entity, Aspect>>()

And so, when we add a System, we make Map instead of a Set:

// Before:
this.systems.set(system, new Set());
// After:
this.systems.set(system, new Map());

2. Adding Entitys

We have a private checkES() helper method, which checks whether an Entity should be tracked by a System. The implementation before was quite simple: if the Components fulfill the System’s requirements, it’s added to the System’s set.

// Before:
private checkES(entity: Entity, system: System): void {
let have = this.entities.get(entity);
let need = system.componentsRequired;
if (have.hasAll(need)) {
// should be in system
this.systems.get(system).add(entity); // no-op if in
} else {
// should not be in system
this.systems.get(system).delete(entity); // no-op if out

With Aspects, the logic to check whether an Entity should be tracked is the same, but what we do becomes a tiny bit more complicated, because we have to make an Aspect and add the Entity and Components to it.

// After:
private checkES(entity: Entity, system: System): void {
let have = this.entities.get(entity);
let need = system.componentsRequired;
let aspects = this.systems.get(system);
if (have.hasAll(need)) {
// should be in system; add if not
if (!aspects.has(entity)) {
let aspect = system.makeAspect();
aspect.entity = entity;
aspects.set(entity, aspect);
} else {
// should not be in system
aspects.delete(entity); // no-op if out

3. Removing Entitys

Getting rid of an Entity now means letting the System know we’ve removed the Aspect by calling onRemove() so it can do any cleanup.

Aside: I’m omitting the extra logic we added for the dirty Component optimization; it’s included in the complete code listing linked below.

// Before:
private destroyEntity(entity: Entity): void {
for (let [system, entities] of this.systems.entries()) {
// Remove Entity from System (if applicable).
entities.delete(entity); // no-op if doesn't have it
// After:
private destroyEntity(entity: Entity): void {
for (let [system, entities] of this.systems.entries()) {
// Remove Entity from System (if applicable).
if (entities.has(entity)) {
let aspect = entities.get(entity);

Trying It Out

Now we have an Aspect implementation, and we’ve changed System and ECS to use them. They’ve become the way that Systems know about Entitys and Components. We’ve also made it so that a System can subclass makeAspect(). When it does that, the System will instead receive its custom Aspects:

Let’s take it for a ride.

Say we have some data in a Component. To make things dead simple, let’s store a single number:

class NumberHolder extends Component {
constructor(public myNumber: number) { super(); }

Now, let’s imagine that we have a System that needs something that can be computed based on the NumberHolder Component, but it’s really expensive to do so. Just for a simple example, let’s store the square of that number.

To be crystal clear: the square of a number is trivial to compute, even every frame. We’re just imagining that it’s something expensive, like some internal graphics objects used for rendering.

To store this, we can make a special Aspect:

class NumberSquarerAspect extends Aspect {
public numberSq: number

Finally, we’ll make a System that:

  1. Overrides makeAspect() to ask for a NumberSquarerAspect instead of a normal Aspect

  2. Overrides onAdd() to do something every time a new NumberSquarerAspect is made—specifically, it will square the Component’s number and store it

  3. Provides an update() to show off what it’s done

class NumberSquarer extends System {
componentsRequired = new Set<Function>([NumberHolder])

makeAspect(): NumberSquarerAspect {
return new NumberSquarerAspect()

onAdd(aspect: NumberSquarerAspect): void {
let n = aspect.get(NumberHolder).myNumber;
aspect.numberSq = n * n;

entities: Map<Entity, NumberSquarerAspect>,
dirty: Set<Entity>
): void {
for (let aspect of entities.values()) {
let n = aspect.get(NumberHolder).myNumber;
console.log("n=" + n + ', n^2=' + aspect.numberSq);

We can run the above with a couple example Components:

let ecs = new ECS();

ecs.addSystem(new NumberSquarer());

let e1 = ecs.addEntity();
ecs.addComponent(e1, new NumberHolder(4));
let e2 = ecs.addEntity();
ecs.addComponent(e2, new NumberHolder(10));


When we run it, we see:

n=4, n^2=16
n=10, n^2=100

During the update(), the System was successfully able to retrieve the data it stored in the Aspect for each Entity.

Real Aspect Use Cases

I generally used Aspects to store System-specific state that needed to persist between frames. Here are some examples:

Final Thoughts: Aspect vs Component

Some of the above use cases probably seem like good candidates for storing in Components rather than in Aspects.

Here’s how I made that call: I used Aspects when I wanted to store extra per-Entity data that only one System would ever care about. If the data ever became useful for more than one System, that was a sign it should probably go in a Component instead.

However, we might wonder whether we should use Aspects at all. Should we just use Components for everything?

I think there’s a good argument to be made for only using Components to store all data. To me, this is a perfectly acceptable design decision because it avoids the complexity of introducing a new concept (the Aspect) to the engine.

The advantage of storing single System-specific data in Aspects is that other Systems don’t need to bother with even looking at that data. Since Components can be accessed by all Systems, their state is “global,” in a sense. Squirreling some state away in Aspects was a way of keeping System-local state for Entitys that persisted between frames.

Code Listing

Here’s the full code listing so far, which includes the dirty Component optimization and Aspects.


  1. I wish I could just render a diff of the ECS code before and after the Aspect implementation. I spent a while trying to find a simple diff renderer that I could embed here, but I didn’t find anything that would provide syntax highlighting, match the website style, and let me just render it (to HTML) beforehand. If you’re reading this and know of one, please let me know. ↩︎