Oct 4, 2024

Wow It's October Already

October 2024 Monthly Digest

Cindy and Barb (Seattle, USA — September, 2023)

Hello hello everyone,

I almost sent the monthly digest out last month. I really did. But instead I spent too much time making new drafts of the ol’ terrifying clipboard giraffe plus photo situation (above).

So, here we are, and this monthly digest covers three months: July, August, and September. I’ve been doing these for too many years to worry about missing a month or two. Many of you have been readers for that long (thank you) so you know the drill.

And, sorry, I should remember to say hi, it’s me Max, your friendly neighborhood insert title of the week. I’m making an indie game right now and also write bad essays and take worse photos.

I’ve split the digest into two parts: meatier posts, then smaller notes (garage, microblog). Here they are:


Talk to Me Human Devlog

Automating Screenshots

I wrote a small script to automate taking screenshots of webpages. The script summoned enough little edge cases that I t...

ttmh devlog products

Delete Your Backlog

Delete your backlog. Unread books, unplayed games, unwritten essays, unwatched movies. They are all cognitive weight. Yo...

creating & thinking

Garage, Microblog

Tailwind custom selector trick

This is a way to create a tailwind class that applies to a custom select `[&>p]`.

Backend vs Frontend

Contrary to popular perception, frontend engineering is enormously more difficult. It's not even close.

Electron Breaks Brain

Trying to get Electron setup has made me realize I don't understand so many aspects of my build and deploy and hosting s...


Just had the most fascinating Internet dopamine experience. This afternoon, I realized today was a bad one in consuming ...

Eleventy Circular References

Trying to have one page display previews of others. For example a "monthly digest" post shows previews of posts written ...


Dev startups, "It's important to listen to your developers, like _really_ listen to them. That's how we have achieved su...

2024 Backlog Burndown

I am in denial of my own advice and attempting to write everything in my essay backlog.

Inspiration vs participation

On understanding a domain's true complexity. So many good and well-told ideas from Ted Chiang's essay that I keep referr...


Since this newsletter is sort of the insider’s zone I figure I ought to give you some nuggets about what else is going on:

See you next month,
